What's new in RedShift 3
RedShift has been completely re-written for version 3. This was so that we could take full advantage of 32 bit operating systems, and to implement many new features that users of RedShift 1 and 2 and focus group participants have requested, and to bring content and data up to date. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the new features to be found in this version.

Home Window
Astronomy Tours
Sky Diary
Integrated Internet links
Overhauled user interface
More help
Updated Dictionary
Updated Photo Gallery
Record Breakers
HTML implementation
More realistic sky simulation
Full screen mode
Deep Sky Objects as outlines
New Sky projection
Better planet/moon bitmaps
Revised Story of the Universe
Hipparcos star catalog
Sky catalog 2000
Completely new Object Info Boxes
User objects
Enhanced movie making
Improved and more controllable printing